

Quran An-Nisa(The Women) 4:24 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mut'ah, Temporary mariage (7) Wedding big curiosities (18) Slavery (30) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Sabaya, sex slave (23) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Fornication (11) Prostitution (6) Woman is a sex object (46) Ghazwa of Bani Mustaliq (9)
You can't have sex (nikka lawfull sex) with married women, unless they are your slave
Quran Al-Ahzab(The Confederates) 33:52 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Woman is a sex object (46)
It's not lawful anymore for him to have sex with more women, except slaves
Quran Al-Ahzab(The Confederates) 33:50 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Woman is a sex object (46)
Allowed for him is sex with his wives, slaves and women who offers themselves to him
Bible Deuteronomy 21:10-11 (en) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Sabaya, sex slave (23) Woman is a sex object (46)
Among your captives, you can take anyone you are attracted to as your wife
Hadith An Nasai 3333 (en en2) Slave Legislation (20) Slavery (30) Prisoner of war and Slavery (10) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Sabaya, sex slave (23) Battle of Autas (6)
Muslims felt reluctant to have sex with their captives then Allah revealed 4:24
Hadith Abu Dawud 2155 (en en2) You can have sex with married women if they are your slaves
Hadith Muslim 1456a (en en2) The companions refrained from sex with married captive women
Hadith Muslim 1456b (en en2) About female captive, what your right hands possess out of them are lawful for you
Hadith Muslim 1456d (en en2) You can have sex with married women, if they are your slaves
Hadith Muslim 1438a (en en2) Juwayriya, the war captive (8) Slavery (30) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Sabaya, sex slave (23) Ghazwa of Bani Mustaliq (9)
It doesn't matter if you don't withdraw, because every soul must be born according to Allah's will.
Hadith Al Bukhari 2542 (en en2) It's better to avoid coitus interruptus with your war booty (sex slaves, sabaya)
Hadith Al Bukhari 4138 (en en2) He condones sex with war captives, better for you not to do coitus interruptus
Hadith Al Bukhari 6603 (en en2) When raping war booties, it is better for you not to pull out to avoid a pregnancy
Hadith Muslim 1439a (en en2) If you want to have intercourse with your slave girl practice 'azl, if you so like
Quran Al-Mu'minun(The Believers) 23:5-6 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Masturbation (5)
Believers guard their chastity, except with their wives and slaves, there is no blame
Quran Al-Ma'arij(The Ascending Stairways) 70:30 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Muslim remains chaste, except with wives and slaves, they are free from blame
Quran An-Nisa(The Women) 4:25 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Marriage and polygamy (17) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Sabaya, sex slave (23)
If you can't marry a free woman, marry a believing slave
Quran Al-Ma'idah(The Table Spread) 5:5 (en en2 tfs tfs2) And permissible are chaste believing women and chaste women of those given the Scripture before you
Hadith An Nasai 3959 (en en2) Mohamed was a slaver (17) Maria the Copt, his favorite sexual slave (5) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Who is Maria the Copt ? (5)
Allah vindicates Mohamed on having intercourse with his slave
Hadith Al Bukhari 4350 (en en2) Nikka and Lawfull sex for Slaves (20) Rape, rapiste (13)
Ali had sex with a slave-girl and he deserved more than that